Long before we heard of COVID-19, every Fall, a wise Rotarian drops his Fun Fines into the bucket so he could stand up and explain to us the importance of washing our hands - CORRECTLY. Now more than ever, we open our eyes to the need around the world of clean water and soap. Something we take for granted. Please consider helping the Arvada Sunrise Rotary accomplish this District Grant to make Tippy Taps available to over 1000 students at schools in the coastal highland of Guatemala. Studies show that daily use of Tippy Taps combined with WASH training reduces influenza and diarrhea by 47%. Diarrhea is the major cause of malnutrition and the highest cause of death in children under 10 yrs. 74% of Mayan children have chronic malnutrition. COVID -19 makes handwashing more urgent than ever. With the 'Magic' of Rotary Grants, the first $1000 will get TRIPLED!

Arvada Sunrise Rotary has supported the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth (AWRSAY) for many years. AWRSAY is a twenty-year-old local nonprofit that assures that the youth in our community who have overcome adversity are recognized and acknowledged. It is a coalition of area service clubs, Jeffco Schools, Red Rocks Community College, Cities of Arvada and Wheat Ridge and other community supporters. High school seniors who are nominated become eligible for scholarships to Red Rocks Community College. Other nominated students, receive small grants to attend personal improvement type programs.

Recycling Plastic Bags into Benches around Arvada

ziplock & other re-sealable bags, produce bags, bubble wrap, salt bags, and cereal bags
All materials must be clean, dry and free of food residue Every 500 lbs becomes a new bench in Arvada.